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Your Details are Safe with us.

Your Data Security is of Paramount Importance to Us

We take security very seriously at MowDirect and have gone to great lengths to ensure that using your credit card to purchase from our web site is a secure way to shop. We have been trading for many years and are proud to say that none of our customers have experienced fraudulent use of a credit or debit card as a result of purchases made with us.

How We Protect Your Card Payment Details

All sensitive information, including personal details as well as credit card information, is kept confidential through encryption (we use the 128-bit secure sockets layer, or SSL, standard). This means that information can only be exchanged between you and MowDirect and that no third party can access this data. A padlock symbol is usually displayed by your browser to show when a page is covered by this security system.

All historical information regarding credit card, name, and address details is held on a secure computer. We do not retain live records of your credit card information on our web servers after the transaction has been completed.

We will also ask for your card's security code at the point of payment. For most cards, including Visa and Mastercard, the code is the last three digits printed on the signature strip on the back of the card. For American Express, the code is the four digits printed on the front of the card above the main card number.

For additional security and complete peace of mind we use Verified by Visa which protects your card against unauthorised use and gives you peace of mind when shopping online.

Once you’ve signed your card up to Verified by Visa, you’ll be protected whenever you make an online payment with your Visa card not just with MowDirect but also at any one of more than 300,000 web sites across Europe.

Verified by Visa involves two quick steps to authenticate your purchase. First you’ll see the personal message that you provided when you signed up for Verified by Visa and that only you and your bank know about. This lets you know that the security screen you’re seeing is genuine. Then you’ll be asked to enter your Verified by Visa password.

Depending on your bank, the Verified by Visa security screen will look like this:

Verified by Visa

How We Protect Your Personal Data other than Payment Card Details

Our Security Measures We take all reasonable precautions to protect the security of our users’ private information. We have physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to help safeguard, prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correct use your information. However, we ask you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. Please sign off when finished using a shared computer. Your emails to us are not necessarily secure against interception so do not include sensitive information in them. We generally will not ask for passwords in an email and you should assume that if you get such a request, it might be fraudulent.

If you forget your password our customer services representatives will not be able to tell you what it is because the password is held in an encrypted state in our database. However, when you login you will be able to request that the system sends you a reminder email containing your password.

If at any time you do have any concerns regarding security please contact us immediately via our contact us page.

Visit our Privacy policy section for more information.

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